Saturday, April 9, 2011

Historical Context

1. The World War 1 was fought between Germany and part of Australia. The other side was Russia, the US. and Italy.
2. The loss of the war effected Germany negatively. Its economy started to fail.
3. The Germans started get desperate for food or money. There were no jobs available for people.
4. Hitler was a man who knew human physiology.  So he started to manipulate them by telling people lies.
5. He convinced the Germans that it was because of the Jews the economy failed. It was because of the Jews that there were no more jobs.
6. With the Germans mad, they were becoming violent. So Hitler decided to form an army with the Germans.  
7. His army began to raid the Jews houses. They were captured to be put to work.
8. Hitler created the concentration camp. 
9. He left them with no hope of survival.This continued for 9 more years.
10. Italy and Russia began to invade German territory. America joined the war when Germany sunk a ship carrying US civilians. Then the US joined Italy and Russia in the war.
11. World War 2 was between America, China, and Poland. They fought against Germany, Japan, and Australia
12. World War 2 ended with America winning. Hitler committed suicide in a basement during a bombing.

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