Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poetry Terms

Sound Devices:
1. Rhyme-Using the same vowel and consonant sound at the end of two words.
2. Repetition-Using the same word or phrase more than once.
3. Alliteration-Using the same constant at the beginning of words
1. Symbol- Something used to represent something else
3. Figurative Language- Metaphor- A comparison between two objects without using like or as                       
   Simile-A comparison of two unlike items using like or as
                                       Personification-Giving nonhuman objects, human characteristics
Forms and Purpose:
1. Narrativeà Tells a story
2. Ballad-(Type of Narrative)
              -Based on ancient customs of telling stories in songs
              -Subject= Adventure, Romance, Dramatic events

Narrative Poem

The first day I went to Jonathan's house
We played pool table
It was as clean, unlike a mouse
Then we sat down to watch cable

We began to work on homework
He has a family of five
Jonathan says that his sister is a mean jerk
When I got to his house I thought I saw a bee hive

We ate like Mexicans
The main part of the food were the beans
That we filled the trash bin
Then I asked him "Are you wearing jeans?"

We watched South Park
When he took at his Dino
It was more better than any shark
It was probably made by a chino

He had 2 bird that flew around
They have a bird mansion
One of them is brown
His back yard could use an expansion

He gave me a tour of his home
We listen to music
Everyone in his family has a cell phone
We listen to a song called sick

We waited for his friend to bring the xbox
We played halo reach
In his house we tok off our shoes showing our socks
we got one controller each

In had to get home at two
But I mostly stayed to play
When I got home I have to poo
But I still had a great day

Historical Context

1. The World War 1 was fought between Germany and part of Australia. The other side was Russia, the US. and Italy.
2. The loss of the war effected Germany negatively. Its economy started to fail.
3. The Germans started get desperate for food or money. There were no jobs available for people.
4. Hitler was a man who knew human physiology.  So he started to manipulate them by telling people lies.
5. He convinced the Germans that it was because of the Jews the economy failed. It was because of the Jews that there were no more jobs.
6. With the Germans mad, they were becoming violent. So Hitler decided to form an army with the Germans.  
7. His army began to raid the Jews houses. They were captured to be put to work.
8. Hitler created the concentration camp. 
9. He left them with no hope of survival.This continued for 9 more years.
10. Italy and Russia began to invade German territory. America joined the war when Germany sunk a ship carrying US civilians. Then the US joined Italy and Russia in the war.
11. World War 2 was between America, China, and Poland. They fought against Germany, Japan, and Australia
12. World War 2 ended with America winning. Hitler committed suicide in a basement during a bombing.

Anne Frank-Stage Adaptation

In the play of Anne Frank it started off as the father (Mr. Frank) read the dairy of Anne Frank.  The play is about two families that are trying to hide from some green police that are called the Nazis.  The two were named the Van Daans and the Franks.  The play took place in Amsterdam, Holland from year 1942-1945.  Both families were hiding in the attic of a local store for 2 years.  As they were hiding right there a man named Mr. Dussel came to where they were hiding and hid there with them.  The families were having a great time one time that Peter fell and made a loud noise that a robber heard the thump and ran off.  But the families got scared and they thought that it was a green police.  Both families were starving of food, because Mr. Van Daan was stealing the food during the night while everyone was sleeping.  The families thought that it was rats that were eating the food.  The Jewish holiday came and it was called Hanukkah.  This holiday lasts 8 days straight and they light 8 candles in the candles they have.  Meip comes home and tells both families that the invasion has begun, everyone was happy when they heard that except Mr. Van Daan.  Time past and the green police figured out where the families were hiding.  They took the families to the concentration camp.  The only survivor was Mr. Frank and everyone else died in gas chambers except for Meip and Anne they died of Typhus.  Mr. Frank published Anne Frank's diary in year 1947.

Ballad Poem

The Civil war began for more than one reason
The generals preparing their army
Getting ready to fight their opposite region

Cannons letting out black clouds covering the sky
Soldiers running and shouting towards each other
Fighting on their ground until the die

People joining the military to win the Civil War
Blacks were not allowed to join the military
A war that was never fought near the shore

The North made up an Anaconda Plan
To take over the Mississippi River
And surround the South as much as they can

The North won
The south has joined the U.S.
Both region had come together to become one